20 May 24 - 18:39
exocet: Nice pick SAmmy. Yes

MorG: LaughingLaughingYes

Quicksilver: Laughing that I can't type

MorG: our son QS? What aren't you two telling us? Big razz

Quicksilver: Sad I had that as a kid, that sucks, my sympathies

exocet: He'll be fine

exocet: ENT stuff. Poor kid is always congested and his ears always pop.

Quicksilver: Hello Morg, Exo - hope our son's ok Exo

MorG: is he okay?

exocet: Ain’t Ziyi Like Smokin’ HOT?!?!?!?!? YesCoolYesCoolYesCoolSmilegrin © 2024

exocet: Sorry for the delayed response. I had to take my son to the doctor this morning and it turned out to be most of the day.

MorG: I have never watched a single episode of Young Sheldon, and I just caught a clip from the series finale and it made me cry


Quicksilver: Laughing

bruiser: Laughing i didn't plan it

Quicksilver: Cool

bruiser: *is unironically wearing a Marvel t-shirt and hoodie

bruiser: hi HAN

bruiser: ANTMANFC

novasen: TREKFC

novasen: there she there she is not so wounded as we were led to believe

novasen: greetings j2

Grenadier: Whooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Quicksilver: Your sight will return in time, FrozenHan

FrozenHan: "I can't see"

FrozenHan: https://c.tenor.com/KLdq4v2jOz8AAAAC/han-solo-carbonite.gif

FrozenHan: *emerges from carbon freeze*

j2brown: Greetings Quicksilver.

Quicksilver: Morn' Bru, Victor, J2, et al

bruiser: my passport is expired anyway