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Joined: Jul 30, 2004
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Thu Sep 09, 2004 7:40 pm Post subject: How have you discovered SST? |
I'm sure this thread must have been posted somewhere but I couldn't find it so let's do it: How did you find SST?
I personally found it by chance (almost random walk actually) while I was looking for a soundtrack on I was so happy to see that this type of radio existed and it is FREE!! So I registered and became a member.
JERIC, Cocles, Cal, graywolf, Sensei, SlowMo... I also have a question for you, guys. I've read "About SST" and how SST was created but how did you all decide to work together? I mean, some of you are from Europe, other from the US... How did you meet?? Well, have you even ever met? _________________ Always wondered what a French photo album could look like?
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Thu Sep 09, 2004 8:01 pm Post subject: |
i found SST looking on shoutcast for movie soundtracks and behold SST was there . wow so long ago lol. _________________ If you have it you don't need it. If you need it you don't have it. You need it to get it and you certainly need it to get more of it. Which means you don't have it to begin with people just know. |
Lieutenant Commander

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Thu Sep 09, 2004 8:27 pm Post subject: |
Me too.
Looking for movie ST's on Shoutcast.
Gosh, I haven't been to shoutcast in...well, since I found SST!  |

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Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:20 pm Post subject: Re: How have you discovered SST? |
schroddie wrote: |
JERIC, Cocles, Cal, graywolf, Sensei, SlowMo... I also have a question for you, guys. I've read "About SST" and how SST was created but how did you all decide to work together? I mean, some of you are from Europe, other from the US... How did you meet?? Well, have you even ever met? |
Once Upon A Time At SST
I came across this website (via shoutcast) when it was still very young and registered in the forum after a while. JERIC and I shared the passion of web development and soundtracks so I started helping out here and there... Back then everything was done manually and PHP was just a scary acronym. Now we have a solid server with a database backend, a dynamic website, better streaming software and the largest radio soundtrack library on earth I've never met any of the other mods/admins but who knows what the future brings...  _________________ Who is General Failure and why is he reading my disk?  |

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Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:52 pm Post subject: |
I'll give you a good detailed story in a little bit when I have some time.  |

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Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:20 pm Post subject: |
I found SST while searching through WinAmp 5's built-in list of streaming stations. I checked out a couple of the soundtrack ones, noticed the URL for SST and visited the site. A vibrant community and member requests brought me in, the great music kept me here  |

Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:27 am Post subject: |
nutshell: shoutcast >> website >> chat >> my life ruined ;-)
Cant wait for C's version :-) |

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Fri Sep 10, 2004 1:34 am Post subject: |
Like Filmgoerjuan, I also discovered the site through Winamp's list of soundtrack stations. I've visited other soundtrack sites but they weren't very stimulating since I like hearing new and unusual scores. Plus most of the people here are cool. |
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Fri Sep 10, 2004 3:18 am Post subject: |
Same curse : Shoutcast. Ever since then I never went back to look for nice stations.
Why settle for merely good when you have found perfection ? _________________ My reality cheque bounced |
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Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:23 am Post subject: |
I found sst on the link page of a st review site. |

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Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:32 am Post subject: |
Like pretty much everyone else, I discovered SST through shoutcast. We actually did an official poll on this awhile ago.
When I got here there were maybe only 4 or 5 of us in the chat at night. Wolf, SlowMo, Cal, sometimes Gecko, and this jerk troublemaker. Namely, Senor Cocmeister.
As it was, we had no ban or suspend stuff back then, so it was just a matter of SlowMo and I picking on everyone who arrived, which would inevitably filter out anyone who took things too seriously, or didn't have a sense of humor.
When Morglum arrived he offered access to more bandwidth and a server, so Jeric made him SST's first mod. Ultimately though the bandwidth and server thing didn't pan out.
This went on for a couple months until one evening when I got this frantic message from Cal saying, "You're a MOD!?"
My response was a rather eloquent, "Huh!?"
Checking the list of Mods in the forum, I saw that yes indeed, Sensei and I had been promoted and a few hours later, Morglum himself was demoted.
I messaged Jeric to find out what was going on, only to receive the unexpected response, "You're the man now!"
My promotion led to a nice controversy as I was just as much the pain in the rear back then (if not worse) as I am now. On one side you had those who thought Jeric was nuts, while on the other you had those who thought he was a genius.
I had never even seen Sensei before the night we were promoted as he had only talked to Jeric via IM up until then.
So Sensei and I stayed on board. And the more people complained about me the more Sensei and I seemed to be promoted, until the day we finally became the admins with access to pretty much everything Jeric has access to. And thank you JERIC.
Once Sensei and I were admins, Jeric brought on board several mods to keep an eye things while Sensei and I focused more on our admin tasks (Sensei doing the left brain stuff while I took care of anything that was on the right).
Eventually we all realized that the mods Jeric had selected didn't really want to be mods, so, with the exception Cal and SlowMo, all the other mods were demoted back to being regular listeners.
When Gray showed up, he quickly made a presence for himself by helping out Jeric with marketing SST on the internet. After a few months of this I suggested to Jeric that we make Gray a mod as a thank-you and also as a way to indicate to everyone else that he was a guy who really helped out around here.
Within a few weeks it became apparent that for Graywolf to really do his job, he would need access to SST's servers so JERIC made him an admin.
Over the past several months I've become much more busy with my career, so it was decided that Cal at long last should be promoted to admin in order to look over the community and pick up the slack as I begin to step back out of the limelight.
So there you have it. The admins are all just a bunch of goof-head listeners who had something to offer that JERIC and SST really needed.
Sensei, his Programming.
Me, my Writing Skills.
Cal and I both, our experience with internet communities.
And Graywolf, his mastery of internet marketing.
We've never met, although JERIC and I have spoken over the phone (and he might have spoken with Sensei by now). And Cal and SlowMo have also spoken with each other over an internet phone once or twice.
And with that, I bid you adieu.
Last edited by Cocles on Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:03 am; edited 1 time in total |

Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:38 am Post subject: |
Cocles wrote: |
And Cal and SlowMo have also spoken with each other over an internet phone once or twice. |
Sheesh talk about being 'up to date'. That was last night LOL.
The beginning of the conversation was him bitching about dutch and me bitching about Belgians :-) |
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Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:37 am Post subject: |
Wow, I remember some of that but not the humble beginnings. Those mod changes were some fun threads to watch.
As for me i found this site while looking for John Williams music on Shoutcast. I found it one day and loved it but forgot to bookmark it and couldn't remember the name. D'oh! But after a week, i found it again, and have been around here ever since. _________________ Grab a beer, don't cost nuttin... |
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Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:19 am Post subject: |
I guess I had the same thing. I was looking for a good internet radio and was on shoutcast looking for film music. Found a station that was passing some songs of LOTR but I dropped it after a few hours as it was a loop of the same three or four songs... I did another search and found SST. I started listening for some weeks, definitly hooked but oblivius to the fact that there actually was a website for the station (duh! where was my brain at the moment... )
I went onto the website and explored for a bit. Decided to try on the chat, which at that time was on the left and had JERIC actively participating (although I did not know he was the webmaster). I basically became involved when half an hour or so after I had logged on JERIC posted "Hey, how about we all gang up on Wolf?". I don't recall what stupid thing I did to get that but anyway... I defended my bacon, chatted with JERIC and the rest and was hooked. Been around for two years now...
I love the comunity and although I am not much online anymore, I always try to keep up with what is happening here. Long live SST!!! _________________ Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate... leads to suffering. |

Joined: Jul 30, 2004
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Fri Sep 10, 2004 2:48 pm Post subject: |
Waw Cocles! Thank you so much to take the time to reply!! That was a long post and very enjoyable.
I thought I would share the MSN log of a conversation between toshiro and I when I discovered your website. I was so excited.
edit: log has been translated from French to English, unrelated conversation has been removed and names have been changed to schroddie and toshiro instead of real names.
7/27/04 5:16pm (AZ time)
Schroddie: toshiro!! I need to show you something!!! I just found that!! You're going to love it! It's a website where you can listen to soundtracks online on the internet!!!: D
Toshiro: ohhhh show me!
Schroddie: http: // You see "listen" on the left. Choose. Tadaaaa. I'm so excited. Sorry… It's Kiki now!!!!!!!! Damned, this website is awesome!!!
Toshiro: oh I never heard of it. Thanks schroddie!!!
Schroddie: this site is so cool!!! It's like a soundtrack radio… Remember that we had talked about it before, we said it was a shame that nobody have done that already…
Toshiro: how long have you been listening?
Schroddie: 5mn or so. I came to talk to you as soon as I realized!! Ohh there are even polls, stats!!... Have you seen? It's written no-repeats: 7 days! They don't have twice the same score in a week! And we can request!!!
Toshiro: you mean we can ask for a score to be played?
Schroddie: yeah we can!!! But I think you have to register.
Toshiro: I think so too. Do you think you have to pay to register?
Schroddie: no, it's written it's free: register now it's free. I just registered!
Toshiro: ok, you'll tell me if it's worth it.
7/29/04 10:57am (AZ time)
Toshiro: 13 more scores and my request is on
Schroddie: ohhh so you registered? Toshiro feelllllling good now!!!!
Toshiro: yes ^^
Schroddie: have you received the confirmation email quickly? I've been waiting for two days now…
Toshiro: 5mn later
Schroddie: there must be something wrong then. I'll try again if nothing happens and if it still doesn't work, I'll contact the admin later.
And I emailed Cocles. Few minutes later, I was part of this big family  _________________ Always wondered what a French photo album could look like?
Come and see mine at |
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