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Vice Admiral (Moderator)

Joined: Jul 19, 2007
Member#: 18358
Posts: 1179
Location: Chartres, France

Mon Aug 23, 2010 1:24 am Post subject: The story game |
I want to try an other game, which is called in french 'cadavres exquis'. Here are the rules. Someone write the beginning of a story, using spoiler so noone can see it. The last sentence is clearly visible and an other one tries to write the following, of course without having read what's in black.
After 10 participations or so, we'll see what kind of story we'll get.
To make it really fun, tries to not make too long paragraph ; tries to end with a good sentence (avoid : 'the lunch was good', for exemple) ; if you want to play more that once in this game, wait that at least 2 others people have wrote something.
I have an other rule : you can put an hint indication that you think is important but will not spoiled the story.
Of course, you can ask any question if this isn't clear.
I'll begin.
Spoiler: The town hall bell rang three times. It was now two hours that Thomas Knocwooke couldn't sleep. That's why, like the night before, and the night before that, he went for a walk in the dead, empty, quiet city.
Suddenly, he felt weak. It was as if there wasn't any more air to breathe around. He tried to scream but hadn't enough air for that and, silently, fell on his knees. |
'Suddenly, everything turned back to normal, and Thomas Knocwooke could breathe normally again.'
Who's next?
Hint : it's 3 o'clock in the morning. _________________ There is no problem that can't be solve without any solution |

Joined: Oct 28, 2006
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Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:21 am Post subject: |
Spoiler: Experimentally Thomas took a couple of deep breaths.
That dream had been most disturbing. Desperately diving down ever deeper in a giant glass of Coke, lungs near bursting, while a giant slice of lemon tumbled after him in the cold fizzy darkness, threatening to crush him.
Chuckling weakly, Thomas snuggled back into the covers. Reaching towards the lamp, he suddenly froze in mid-motion. |
Something cold, sweet and slightly lemony was dripping onto his face. _________________ "Welcome to the paranoia club; cheapest fees in the universe and membership lasts forever."
- Peter F. Hamilton, The Evolutionary Void |
Lieutenant Commander

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Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:09 pm Post subject: |
Spoiler: He turned on the light and looked upwards. The carton of lemonade on his bed-shelf must've been leaking. Sleepily he lifted himself up from his bed and went down the steps to get a spounge to clean it up.
As he went down the steps he heard the water running from the tap. The floor of the kitchen was also wet.
"What happened down here?", he asked to himself. He turned on the light. Water was overflowing from the sink onto the counter and the floor. Everything was wet. |
He turned off the tap and grabbed a mop to clean the floor. _________________ Music is not just made of sounds. It is also made of silence. |

Joined: Apr 15, 2009
Member#: 25250
Posts: 1464

Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:00 am Post subject: |
Spoiler: Just as he was finishing up the corners, the door burst open, and a dog burst into the living room, tracking mud onto the nice clean tiles. He slid on the slippery floor, and crashed into the wall, dirtying the place up even more. Now this irritated Thomas Knocwooke a lot, so he grabbed a butcher knife from the kitchen, and charged after the mutt. |
"I'm gonna get you!" he yelled as he followed him out the window. _________________ They say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is... |

Joined: Jun 24, 2010
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Posts: 129

Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:47 am Post subject: |
Spoiler: He tucked and rolled as he hit the ground. All around him the splattering of red paint balls struck the ground. "SNIPER!" he yelled. Quickly he scrambled to his feet and ducked behind the nearest dumpster. |
That's when he noticed the sticky red liquid pooling around his ankle. |

Joined: Mar 29, 2006
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Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:25 pm Post subject: |
Spoiler: And if there was one thing he couldn’t stand, it was sticky red liquid.
Of course, she would know that. She was responsible for all the misery in his life. He forgets a birthday, one birthday, and this is what she does to him.
His eyes followed the trail the substance made, as it oozed slowly down the little hill. He couldn’t believe it. Just then, his cell phone buzzed against his leg, and he fished for it in his pocket. And it was her. |
When he answered the phone, he said, “Mom, why’d you leave this thing in my yard?” _________________ "I'm tired of trying to find happiness through lies and self-medicating. If you need me, I'll be at the bar."
-Arrested Development |

Joined: Oct 28, 2006
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Location: Berlin

Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:32 am Post subject: |
Spoiler: Silence. Then, "Why, hello to you, too, thanks I'm fine, what about you?!"
"Mooommm," Thomas wailed, "please, just answer the question!"
"I thought it would be obvious," his mother replied. "The clonkatrons our alien visitors introduced are the must-have item of the year... decade... CENTURY! You somehow forgot to get one for yourself, so I bought one for you." |
"But it's not working right," Thomas complained. "It's making a mess!" _________________ "Welcome to the paranoia club; cheapest fees in the universe and membership lasts forever."
- Peter F. Hamilton, The Evolutionary Void |
Vice Admiral (Moderator)

Joined: Jul 19, 2007
Member#: 18358
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Location: Chartres, France

Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:28 am Post subject: |
Thomas lookes at all the crashed objects around him and decided it was the time to take a massive decision. He tried to clean the mess but his hands were shaking. He tried to scream but, once again, he couldn't find air for that. So, he did the most intelligent thing he could think of : he tried to escape. |
But he couldn't get far. Two men started to run after him. _________________ There is no problem that can't be solve without any solution |
Vice Admiral (Moderator)

Joined: Jul 19, 2007
Member#: 18358
Posts: 1179
Location: Chartres, France

Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:07 am Post subject: |
Thanks for everyone who participated. Let's say two more participations and the third will close the story. _________________ There is no problem that can't be solve without any solution |

Joined: Jun 24, 2010
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Posts: 129

Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:06 am Post subject: |
Spoiler: Thomas couldn't understand why they were gaining on him. No matter how fast he ran, he just couldn't get away. "Man, talk about going no where fast!" he complained. It was at that moment he looked down and realized he was running on a treadmill. |
Angry at himself, he stopped and turned to face the music. |
Vice Admiral (Moderator)

Joined: Jul 19, 2007
Member#: 18358
Posts: 1179
Location: Chartres, France

Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:04 am Post subject: |
Come on, who wants to finish this story? _________________ There is no problem that can't be solve without any solution |

Joined: Jul 24, 2003
Member#: 2563
Posts: 228

Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:46 am Post subject: |
Spoiler: After that unfortunate (and regrettably messy) incident at the 1988 Elvis convention, he knew better than to try to run from such inexorable
"What do you want from me?!" Thomas cried, barely finding breath for words.
His pursuants paused and looked quizzically at one another. Scratching her head and shrugging her shoulders, the leader put forth an unexpected offer. "Would you join us for a friendly game of soccer? We're down one player and have been trying to get you to play for us all day." |
Flabbergasted, all Thomas could do was nod in mute, relieved agreement. It was all downhill from here.
The End.
Hahaha, I hope I wasn't too off base about most of that stuff. |
Vice Admiral (Moderator)

Joined: Jul 19, 2007
Member#: 18358
Posts: 1179
Location: Chartres, France

Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:50 am Post subject: Re: The story game |
And here is the first story of this game revealed:
The town hall bell rang three times. It was now two hours that Thomas Knocwooke couldn't sleep. That's why, like the night before, and the night before that, he went for a walk in the dead, empty, quiet city.
Suddenly, he felt weak. It was as if there wasn't any more air to breathe around. He tried to scream but hadn't enough air for that and, silently, fell on his knees.
'Suddenly, everything turned back to normal, and Thomas Knocwooke could breathe normally again.'
Experimentally Thomas took a couple of deep breaths.
That dream had been most disturbing. Desperately diving down ever deeper in a giant glass of Coke, lungs near bursting, while a giant slice of lemon tumbled after him in the cold fizzy darkness, threatening to crush him.
Chuckling weakly, Thomas snuggled back into the covers. Reaching towards the lamp, he suddenly froze in mid-motion
Something cold, sweet and slightly lemony was dripping onto his face.
He turned on the light and looked upwards. The carton of lemonade on his bed-shelf must've been leaking. Sleepily he lifted himself up from his bed and went down the steps to get a spounge to clean it up.
As he went down the steps he heard the water running from the tap. The floor of the kitchen was also wet.
"What happened down here?", he asked to himself. He turned on the light. Water was overflowing from the sink onto the counter and the floor. Everything was wet.
He turned off the tap and grabbed a mop to clean the floor.
Just as he was finishing up the corners, the door burst open, and a dog burst into the living room, tracking mud onto the nice clean tiles. He slid on the slippery floor, and crashed into the wall, dirtying the place up even more. Now this irritated Thomas Knocwooke a lot, so he grabbed a butcher knife from the kitchen, and charged after the mutt.
"I'm gonna get you!" he yelled as he followed him out the window.
He tucked and rolled as he hit the ground. All around him the splattering of red paint balls struck the ground. "SNIPER!" he yelled. Quickly he scrambled to his feet and ducked behind the nearest dumpster.
That's when he noticed the sticky red liquid pooling around his ankle.
And if there was one thing he couldn’t stand, it was sticky red liquid.
Of course, she would know that. She was responsible for all the misery in his life. He forgets a birthday, one birthday, and this is what she does to him.
His eyes followed the trail the substance made, as it oozed slowly down the little hill. He couldn’t believe it. Just then, his cell phone buzzed against his leg, and he fished for it in his pocket. And it was her.
When he answered the phone, he said, “Mom, why’d you leave this thing in my yard?”
Silence. Then, "Why, hello to you, too, thanks I'm fine, what about you?!"
"Mooommm," Thomas wailed, "please, just answer the question!"
"I thought it would be obvious," his mother replied. "The clonkatrons our alien visitors introduced are the must-have item of the year... decade... CENTURY! You somehow forgot to get one for yourself, so I bought one for you."
"But it's not working right," Thomas complained. "It's making a mess!"
Thomas lookes at all the crashed objects around him and decided it was the time to take a massive decision. He tried to clean the mess but his hands were shaking. He tried to scream but, once again, he couldn't find air for that. So, he did the most intelligent thing he could think of : he tried to escape.
But he couldn't get far. Two men started to run after him.
Thomas couldn't understand why they were gaining on him. No matter how fast he ran, he just couldn't get away. "Man, talk about going no where fast!" he complained. It was at that moment he looked down and realized he was running on a treadmill.
Angry at himself, he stopped and turned to face the music.
After that unfortunate (and regrettably messy) incident at the 1988 Elvis convention, he knew better than to try to run from such inexorable
"What do you want from me?!" Thomas cried, barely finding breath for words.
His pursuants paused and looked quizzically at one another. Scratching her head and shrugging her shoulders, the leader put forth an unexpected offer. "Would you join us for a friendly game of soccer? We're down one player and have been trying to get you to play for us all day."
Flabbergasted, all Thomas could do was nod in mute, relieved agreement. It was all downhill from here.
The End.
For a first story, I find it totally great. Thanks for all the writers.
If anyone is interested by making a second test, just put a begin. _________________ There is no problem that can't be solve without any solution |

Joined: Jul 24, 2003
Member#: 2563
Posts: 228

Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:21 am Post subject: |
Oh, lots of gems here which speak volumes about Thomas' personal life...
Quote: |
The carton of lemonade on his bed-shelf must've been leaking. |
This man is a bachelor.
Quote: |
so he grabbed a butcher knife from the kitchen, and charged after the mutt.
"I'm gonna get you!" he yelled as he followed him out the window.
Has anger issues, and possibly a disorder where it is a perfectly sensible idea to jump out of windows.
Quote: |
Silence. Then, "Why, hello to you, too, thanks I'm fine, what about you?!" "Mooommm," Thomas wailed, "please, just answer the question!" |
So here we've established he's probably not living in Mom's basement. Also I appreciate that the passive-aggressive 'you don't talk to me enough, but I still love you very much' mom-attitude is universal.
Quote: |
It was at that moment he looked down and realized he was running on a treadmill. |
This somehow reminds me of the Cowboy Bebop episode where the adult characters were high out of their minds on 'shrooms. It brings into question Mr. Knocwooke's medicinal habits.
In truth, I love all of it. Good job, guys!  |

Joined: Apr 15, 2009
Member#: 25250
Posts: 1464

Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:27 am Post subject: |
Wow! Surreal much?
That was a really good outcome though- I'm up for another one  _________________ They say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is... |
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