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NUTs? RATs? What?
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Netherlands SiriusCreations
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:45 pm   Post subject: NUTs? RATs? What? Reply with quote

NUT = No Unplayed Tracks.
RAT = Rate All Tracks.

The story so far...

Some of the SST members like to request tracks from albums which did not have been played since the last reset (August 2007).

One member named flansbmp gave it a name for this quest.
The search and requests for unplayed tracks became NUT.

Some us was thinking of making a list.
Two weeks ago I made the list so members can add albums with unplayed tracks and remove those when all tracks have been requested at least once. This way you have a nice overview on which album are unplayed tracks. Of course I need the help of those who are using them to remove the albums when all tracks are played or add them when they found an album which is not yet in the list.

After making the list I post it in this forum Have The Guts To Go NUTs

When you read that forum you will read that Dragon-fly was wondering "What when there are no unplayed tracks left?".
flansbmp replied with "When the Quest for NUTs is complete, then we start the RAT Race (Rate All Tracks)."

Well I thought why wait, let's make that list as well.
See this forum Welcome to the RAT Race

The lists grew fast and I thought of showing the lists side by side.
And to make it in SST style. So I asked our Fleet Admiral permission to use SST stylesheet. He agreed and as result now you can see the result here: NUTs and RATs at SST.

On the help page of the lists you can read how to add/remove albums.

(maybe this can be stickied)
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:32 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Considering how long it may take to get this quest finished and how much everyone likes it, I think it may be a good sticky thread Smile
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Netherlands SiriusCreations
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:16 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Yesterday I saw in the chatroom a discussion about the meaning of NUT (No Unplayed Tracks) and the NUT list.

"No Unplayed is a double negative so this means played, but on the NUT list there are all albums with unplayed tracks."

How I see it

It is more the quest of playing all tracks, make the SST playlist unplayed free. The members who are using the list to select albums want let us know that the track that is selected is an uplayed one. So they call NUT.
Like when we here a Ennio Morricone track we call MFC! or Joe Hisaishi HFC!
I see this list in a way as a negative list. So it is positive when all tracks are played.

So I hope this message will not be received negatively, it was meant positively.

Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:47 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

That was a positively written statement about a positive subject Razz Smile I do agree. The quest for NUT's is not only a fun acronym, but it has a positive influence on the playlist variety on a daily basis. Very Happy

Exclamation Someone evidently stickied it for you Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:31 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Looks like we've got some kind of bug in NUTs list...

There is an entry called: "B000B8WEB4" that leads to nowhere (at least for me).
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:52 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

molossus wrote:
There is an entry called: "B000B8WEB4" that leads to nowhere (at least for me).

What a bug in the list?
Someone has placed the title as ASIN and ASIN as title

I will fix it Smile

Thanks for reporting it!
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Netherlands SiriusCreations
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:57 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

It is fixed.

It was from an album that did not have any unplayed tracks anymore, so i also deleted it.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:33 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

SiriusCreations wrote:
Someone has placed the title as ASIN and ASIN as title

I think that "someone" was me... Embarassed
What I meant to do was delete the album from the NUT list, but apparently I put the ASIN in the wrong box and hit add instead of delete. Neutral
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Netherlands SiriusCreations
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:47 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

alien_avatar wrote:
I think that "someone" was me... Embarassed

No worries. Tip: if you want to remove an album, only ASIN is required.
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Poland molossus VIP (subscribed member)
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:14 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

No problem alien!

And thanks Sirius for taking care of it.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:25 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

I've not really been taking part in this whole thing, but judging from what I've heard in the playlist the last several weeks, I'd say that the NUT hunt has dug up some wonderful new gems. Smile

Thanks folks!

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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 3:24 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Sometimes I am asked the question how to delete an album without an ASIN.

Although it is on the help page on The List I will place it also here.

When you have an album with no ASIN (N/A) look at the url and enter what is behind asin=.
(like in, enter WhenLoveWalksIn)

Good luck! Smile
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 9:34 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

I must commend all of us. We have shown how we are all active in the interests of SST!! Good job everybody!!
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PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 7:01 am   Post subject: Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 2:49 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome to the SST forums Haino Wink
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