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New Zealand mister_mouse

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:10 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

I had the time, so I compiled all the replies. Smile Drum roll please...
The second story begins....

Cursing silently, Sarah fought her way through a prickly cluster of some sort of bush thing.
Why, oh WHY had she let her sister convince her to go hiking through some unnamed forest. Not that it deserved a name.
" 'Get in touch with nature'," she thought savagely. " 'You really don't get outside enough!' "
Well, right now nature was touching her in ways and places she really could do without.

Concentrating on worming her way past some clusters of particularly hostile-looking branchy, stemmy leaf-things, Sarah let out a shriek as she felt something wrap around her ankle.

She screamed and tried to put her foot free, but the more she struggled, the more strong the grasp becomed. Suddenly, a more violent knock make her fall on the ground. Sarah took the first thing she found : a small rough stone, and throwed it at the direction of the agressive thing

But, curiously, the stone rebound with a strange sound : something like "spwalounsh"

'Well that doesn't sound right,' Sarah though. She peeked through the ferns in the direction where she threw the stone. On the other side was the largest cube of Jell-O she'd ever seen.
"Oh man, not again" it cried. "All I've ever wanted is some piece and quiet. I'm am sick of people throwing rocks at me." Silently the cube began to sob. Tears of Jell-O salads fell to the ground. Sarah began to feel guilty. She started to step back when she stepped on a twig. SNAP! The cube looked in her direction.
"Who's there! Step forward!" It yelled.
She stepped forward through the bushes.

"I'm sorry," Sarah said. "I didn't know you were here."

"How sorry are you, really?" Asked the stone in a wily tone. Somehow, Sarah knew- if the rock had eyes, it would be slyly squinting at her.
Worried, she began slowly backing away. "Very sorry- I'll never do it again!"
The lump of minerals somehow seemed to appraise her doubtfully. Incredibly, it jumped into the air and bounced against a previously unseen button, cleverly disguised as a knot in a nearby tree.
Sarah began to run again.

But alas, it was too late. The rodents of unusual size had discovered her.

She scrambled frantically to get away, crawling through the underbrush, looking over her shoulder to make sure they weren't gaining on her. Suddenly, her hand met with empty air, and before she could say 'Dangnabbit', she was falling down what looked suspiciously like a rabbit hole.

"What am I in, a fairytale?", she muttered to herself, as she floated endlessly down, down...down...

*~*Five hours later*~*
Sarah hung limply in the air, still traveling down-down-down.
Incredulity phase? Check.
'Hello? Is anybody there?' phase? Check.
Hysterical flailing and yelling phase? Check.
By now, this particular experience was just getting old. Not to mention that she was getting hungry and thirsty, and oh! a restroom stop would be heaven.
Being preoccupied with her thoughts, Sarah had failed to notice that her motion had stopped, but the fact that she started to spin got her attention rather quickly.
"Ugh," she thought. "Keep this up any length of time, and I'll be sick." Could thing get any more unpleasant?

"Oh look!" an unseen voice shouted exitedly. "It's a human! YUM-YUM-YUM!!!"

Sarah was getting tired of this. She bestowed a frosty glare upon her newest foe, and it seemed to regard her little more than one would a housefly. But what else could she possibly do to fend the thing off? Lay a guilt trip?
Desperately, she asked, "Didn't your mother ever teach you manners? I know you're a monster, but you're not a MONSTER, right?"
"My mother was DELICIOUS!" The somewhat dim creature growled emphatically.
Not really an answer to her question, but nonetheless all the answer she needed. 'So much for that tactic,' Sarah thought.
With sickening pops, four wickedly sharp horns and a misshapen pair of small wings sprouted from the being's body.

Time for her to get crazy, then. Mumbling, she reached into her pocket and grasped a small object her friend, Thomas, had given her. "I've been saving this for a special occasion, and I suppose now's as good a time as any."

She desarmed the security and opened the nail file / bottle opener / knife and remembered what Thomas had said : "This object can save anyone life at any time, man or woman".
She screamed again, just because it seemed the right thing to do and charge the unknown thing.
"Zigababidoo!" she shouted while the first tentacle fell on the floor, cut from the rest of the body, but with now manicured claws.

Now, she could faced the danger. It was her turn to kick!

She kicked out with a powerful roundhouse kick, followed by a low spinning sweep kick (accompanied by music from the The Karate Kid playing in the background), and very soon she had made mincemeat of the fluffy little zombie bunnies. She stood there, tired but triumphant, contemplating the big clean up ahead of her. Just as she decided to ignore the mess and leave she sensed someone watching her.

She turned around crouched in a defensive stance, ready to face this new threat.


Only there was no more threats. In fact, there was nothing more... everything faded to black around Sarah. "You need to give it a name," came a quiet voice from behind her. "The Nothing got to it. I managed to save a small grain. If you give it a name, it won't be nothing any more."
She looked at him, incredulous. "What the he--?" She looked around.... at nothing. "When did I step into the Never Ending Story?" she asked.
Slowy the boy began to chant, "This is the song that never ends, it just keeps going on and on because this is the song that never ends, it just keeps going on and on because this is the song..."

Sarah covered her ears. "NOOOOOO!" she screamed and ran off into the darkness.

Unfortunately covering her ears didn't help much. The horrid screams followed her into the darkness. And-- were these footsteps pursuing her or was it just the thumping of her heart?
Sobbing hysterically, Sarah ran even faster up the gentle incline, never noticing that it ended in a rather ungentle cliff. As her feet carried her into the empty air, one last thought flashed through her mind.

Her mother had always warned her about running in the dark.

-~- THE END -~-
They say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is...
France masked_platypus VIP (subscribed member)
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:03 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for putting this all together, mouse. This story is incredibly fun! All we have to do now is sell a copy to Hollywood Wink
Shall we start an other?
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USA Gert

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:51 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

That was kind of a sad ending. I also like how no matter we try to tug on the story, it always ends up reading like a bad LSD trip. Ok, I'll start it.

Lucky the Clown was having a rather unlucky day. Not only did his car break down in the middle of car wash (while in full clown-garb, without cell reception), he was now three hours late for his 9pm party gig. He suspected he was mis-hired for a bachelorette party, but these days money was money, no matter how skinny and hairy you were.

Lucky's survival now depended on breaking free of the car and the surrounding dangerous machinery. He knew he'd get strange looks for his appearance, but as it was nearing midnight, it did not bother him.
France masked_platypus VIP (subscribed member)
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:04 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

I've sent a PM to every people who take part of the previous story. If anyone wants to join this one and wants to have a constraint in his/her contribution, just PM me. Very Happy
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New Zealand mister_mouse

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:35 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Continuing the story.

As he staggered drunkenly away, all he could think of was getting home and making sure that Sam hadn't found the papers. He hailed a passing taxi and prayed silently in the backseat all the way back to his flat. He fumbled with the keys in haste and finally managed to open his door.

Lucky breathed a sigh of relief at finding the envelope still under his mattress. But, the next instant, he heard the unmistakable sound of a gun cocking. "Hand it over, Lucky. Slowly"

Hint to streamline the story a bit- A woman called Sam has entered the picture.
They say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is...
France masked_platypus VIP (subscribed member)
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:21 am   Post subject: Reply with quote


"It's only a bill. A gaz bill, ma'am" lucky answered. "Let me pay it for you, then" said the woman, and she grabbed the letter.
Lucky had no choice. He let her have it, but run out of the house, cause she may have orders to kill him. Hopefully, he heard no more detonation.

"That was a big mistake, not to kill me" he said under his teeth, while he took the gun he always had hidden in his car.
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USA NightHawkFan01

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:43 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

He stepped out of the car and into the rain. Pulling up the collar of his rain coat and making sure his fedora was on straight, he started walking down the sidewalk. He began to wonder what in the world had been going through Sam's head when she pulled that stunt. Clearly she hadn't been thinking. Lucky stopped suddenly. "Or..." he thought to himself. "Some one has been controlling her. Controlling me!" He cursed at himself and the situation. There was only one who knew his weaknesses. Only one who would dare.

Lucky looked up to the clouds, and raising his fist in defiance yelled "KHAAAAAAAN!"
USA NightHawkFan01

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:46 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Gert - LSD is putting it mildly.... it's more like A BAD LSD with GOOD pot and bottle of tequilla....
USA Gert

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:21 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Lucky felt the surge of power rush through him as he did this, which cause him to sprout a magnificent silver mullet (and knocked off his large, red squeaky nose), the likes of which no mortal shall ever again see. The force of the insta-hair transformation cleared the landscape for a half-mile in all directions. His yell morphed into a fierce roar!

No longer was he his old self... Ykcul the Terrible was born. As his rage grew, his hair began to grow uncontrollably into tall pink spikes and his muscles swelled to four times their normal size. Light of the same color poured forth from him as his roars became ever more terrifying and ear-piercing.
France masked_platypus VIP (subscribed member)
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:58 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Meanwhile, in Santa Fe, Lucia was telling to Julian "I'm really, really sorry..."
But for now, Ykcul the Terrible found himself in rage. More than that, he was hungry. So, he ran to the first shop he found, exploded the doors, and grabbed the first thing eatable he could find

"Freeze and drop your cookie on the ground!" yelled a policeman behind him.
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New Zealand mister_mouse

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:31 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Lucky was instantly encased in a two inch thick layer of ice. He couldn't move, he couldn't breathe, but worst of all, he couldn't get to his cookie! All he could do was wait there frozen, immobilized, while the entire police force was set to work with chisels and mallets to break the ice. One enterprising officer set to work on the hand with the cookie, and of course, once it was finally chipped free, there was no stopping Officer McGee from devouring the gooey choc-chip-with-a-hint-of-kahlua-swirl cookie supreme.

After a couple of hours of hard work on the part of the cops, Lucky was finally freed... Only to be promptly handcuffed, dumped into the back-seat of a squad-car and taken down to the nearest precinct.
They say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is...
France masked_platypus VIP (subscribed member)
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:57 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

No one for following this story? How will it end?
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USA NightHawkFan01

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:41 am   Post subject: Reply with quote


Lucky sat in his cell. He had used his one phone call to call the one person he knew he could trust to not trust - Sam. Lucky had stepped on a lot of feet in his career, many of them bail bondsmen. They weren't usually so quick or happy to bail him out. Still he was sure that Sam would be able to find some greenhorn that didn't know of Lucky to post bail.

"Lucky!" a voice shouted. He looked up and saw Sam standing there. "Usually I find you in front of a bar, not behind them." Lucky honked his nose in reply. "C'mon, let's get you outta here."

They returned to Lucky's office. As he hung up his rainbow fro, and took off his nose, Sam made herself comfortable on the sofa. "We need to talk," she said.

"Ha!" he said, "You tried to kill me tonight."

"That was business. This is personal. We can't keep going on like this. I need some one who can take life seriously."

"YOU TRIED TO KILL ME! How is that not serious?"

Suddenly the lights in the office went out. A scream could be heard, cut short by a loud gun shot. Lucky could hear the sound of movement. A moment later, the lights came back on.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:39 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

"You again!" Lucky growled exasperatedly. "Haven't you messed up my life enough as it is?!!"
The woman Sam stood in the middle of the office, breathing heavily. The gun in her hand was twitching from one corner of the place to the next.
"I swear I saw that rabbit," she hissed, "that white, fluffy rabbit with evil, pink-glowing eyes!"
Lucky stared at her. "You... shot at some rabbit?"
"Not some rabbit! What do you think I am, crazy?? That was Ittyfluffzor, the terrible Lord of the Overbites!! I'd recognize him anywhere!"
Suddenly Sam screeched and started firing wildly at something under one of the desks.

"Arm yourself, Lucky!" Sam shouted over the noisy gunfire. "Shoot! Defend your world! Get his bushy tail!!!"
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- Peter F. Hamilton, The Evolutionary Void
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:49 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

The clown shook his head violently, as if to rid himself of the unbelievable sight, as his enemy morphed into a six-foot tall squirrel. The giant beady eyes gleamed a murderous red, and razor-sharp claws were of no little concern to Lucky. Trembling mightily, Lucky managed to lift his weapon and took aim... only to find it had become a ficus plant.

"How am I supposed to defeat a giant furry dude with a PLANT?!", Lucky demanded of his benefactor.
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