11 Sep 24 - 05:30
Locutus76: hiya martino!
richada41: morning Martino
martino: btw, Goldfinger is for Pelle (SAM tricked me)
martino: Hello Richada and Loc!
martino: Hi Exo! will do
exocet: Thanks for the request marti but I need to go to bed and will miss it. Please enjoy it for me.
richada41: Got it, thank you. I'll give it another try, but otherwise just wait until later
exocet: Req Wait (VIP) shows the wait times for non-VIP and VIPs. Right now, 1 hour and 5 mins respectively
exocet: The request wait time varies with the size of the queue and time of day.
exocet: If you have nothing in the queue you should be able to request now.
exocet: Hi richa. If you are not a VIP then you do not get a "clock" showing you how long you need to wait.
richada41: Can anyone remind me when I can make my next request? I'm non-premium, nothing currently on the queue
Locutus76: guess you had no words
richada41: how did I say nothing?
Locutus76: thank you richada
richada41: RIP Mufasa. Someone already requested the track 'Mufasa dies' recently, so I went for the next best thing
Locutus76: R.I.P. J.E.J.
Locutus76: A13RC
Locutus76: ploink
big2002: WedNEDsdayFC!
Locutus76: and NED! *
Locutus76: Above&Beyond!
big2002: ConanFC!
big2002: morning
Locutus76: howdy malo
Malo-SK: greetings Loc!
Locutus76: greetings all
Malo-SK: good morning SST!