18 Jan 25 - 15:11
gustabotronik: Cool

MorG: hey there kami!

MorG: morning tohu!

MorG: morning Baghira!

MorG: I will have what Gert is having

bruiser: *makes cocoa* is the power back on?

Quicksilver: I like that plan, Gert

Gert: then sleep until everything has magically managed itself

Gert: maybe nice hot chocolate with chocolate baileys and peppermint schnapps

Gert: *huffs, drops into sst couch* needz cocktail please

Elms: I feel ya bruiser... at least it's Friday.

bruiser: *is bored at work; walks around apartment practicing Count Orlok voice*

bruiser: HisaishiFC!


bruiser: i predict a LOT of Nosferatu cosplay at this years FanExpo Laughing


bruiser: *buys Nosferatu soundtrack cd at lunch* Shy

bruiser: Laughing q

j2brown: Excellent Friday pick from SAM (Hell March).

Quicksilver: They love the rain Laughing

Quicksilver: Always bring your 'gator with you when it's raining.

bruiser: Laughing work thingy about being safe in the cold -- they said "gator" when they meant "gaiter"

bruiser: HZFC!!

bruiser: CYFC!!!


LMarrese: Thanks worker... I was just thinking about this movie

j2brown: Greetings Quicksilver.

bruiser: hi Gren

bruiser: hi Q

Quicksilver: Morn' Gren, Bru,m Work, Morg, et al